There is a translation to English by Gwen, thanks!
A super male who takes care of himself! Alex's menu: water grilled fish and all the sports he can do...
With his glamorous looks, his three-day-old beard, and his rebellious hair, you'd think he was of Mediterranean ancestry. Wrong! Alex is a pure Swedish product. This giant (6'1") never touches alcohol, does not smoke, and eats only vegetables, chicken and fish... In short, here's a pro who takes care of his body the way some people watch their investments. Alex started a year ago. He was studying advertising to become an art director and¡K he got into it! He worked very hard for a whole year to have all the trump cards in his hand. When Alex sets his mind on something... Corinne, his agent at the Karin Models agency, insists that he is "super professional, very invested in his job. He's never late for an appointment, and already knows what will benefit his career. And yet, he's only 22 and has almost no experience!" His determination and his discipline surprise people, but Alex does not worry himself. He confesses he doesn't know what tomorrow will bring. And that's precisely what he likes about the profession: suspense¡K
When he's not working, Alex doesn't know what to do with himself.
He misses his family very much and also his motorcycle --- a Harley Davidson
he'd like to have shipped from Sweden to Milan, where he's living at the moment.
"But I'm thinking of moving to Paris soon! One day in New York, the next in
Bali... this job gives me an opportunity to travel often." He has numerous shows
to his credit: Calvin Klein in New York, Issey Miyake and Montana in Paris and
Romeo Gigli and Versace in Italy. In fact he shares Versace's image with Helena
To relax, Alex swims, snowboards, goes rock climbing and plays golf. But he'd never turn down a good meal after a shoot. "To make a good living while having fun is pretty rare!" he remarks. So this adorable young man works like a maniac. Until he meets the woman he'll share his life with¡K ELISABETH MARTORELL
Photos: 1. A powerful duo with Helena Christensen for Gianni Versace, photographed by Bruce Weber. 2. How do you prefer him: as fashion icon (photo by Bruce Weber) or natural (3)? (photo by Lorenzo Maroucoi.) 4. Passing through Paris, Alex with booking agent Corinne, at Men of Karin. 5. Very macho, seen by Andre Rau.